INTJ Female: The Rarest Person on Earth

INTJ women are the rarest personality-gender combination of all. This is due to the nature of their traits and characteristics, which aren’t always appreciated by others. However, INTJ females also have a lot to offer because of their unique approach to life.

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INTJ Female Profile

The INTJ female is a fascinating creature, and it’s no surprise that they are often misunderstood. Here’s what you need to know about the INTJ female:

  • They are not as cold and detached as many people assume.
  • “INTJs have an unusually strong desire to be known, understood and appreciated by others,” according to psychologist David Keirsey in Please Understand Me II: Temperament, Character, Intelligence (1998). While this desire for appreciation can make the INTJ seem withdrawn with strangers or those they do not trust, the opposite is true when it comes to close relationships. In fact, researchers Robert McCrae and Paul Costa note that while most personality types report feeling relaxed after being alone with their thoughts for 15 minutes, “INTJs were happiest when talking with friends or family members” (Rathus et al., 2009).
  • They live in their heads—and that’s a good thing! According to John Grant’s book How To Be A Brilliant Introvert (2015), there are four main types of introverts: social introverts; thinking introverts; sensitive introverts; and imaginative introverts. The latter two categories, to which INTJs often belong, tend toward creative pursuits such as writing or music composition because “the arts require time spent alone working out ideas.”

intj women are Independent

INTJs are independent and self-sufficient. They enjoy being the “lone wolf,” but they also work well in teams. INTJ women have a reputation for being private, reserved and hard to get to know. They may seem aloof or detached because they’re so focused on their own interests and thoughts.

intj females are Logical

INTJ women are very logical and analytical people. They tend to be highly critical of other people’s ideas and beliefs, and they are not easily swayed by emotion. This can make them appear cold or distant to others, but it also makes them excellent at solving problems.

INTJ females are often rational thinkers who live by their own sets of rules. They value honesty above all else, but can be brutally honest themselves when giving criticism or feedback to others. Because they don’t always consider emotions important factors in decision making, INTJ females often seem aloof or detached from those around them.

intj women Dislike being controlled

INTJ women do not like to be told what to do! They generally prefer to find their own way–even when it means learning things the hard way. They thrive as entrepreneurs and self-employed professionals for this reason, and may struggle to report to a manager.

intj women are Self-sufficient

INTJ females are quite independent and self-sufficient. They don’t need to be with a partner to feel complete, and they’re happy being alone. This doesn’t mean they’ll never want or need companionship—it just means that they can enjoy their own company while they wait for the right person to come along.

INTJ women have high standards for themselves and their partners, which is something you should keep in mind if you want to date an INTJ woman. They won’t settle for less than what they know will make them happy in the long term (even if it seems like the best option at first). If you treat her well, she’ll know how lucky she is to have found someone like you!

intj women Stay true to their own vision and purpose

  • INTJ women are independent thinkers. They rely on logic, data, and facts rather than emotion when making decisions. These women are self-sufficient and driven to achieve their goals with little external motivation needed. Because they value independence so highly, you won’t often see them asking for help or advice unless they’re truly stuck or confused about something.

INTJ women aren’t afraid to stand up for what they believe in either; if you have an opinion that’s contrary to theirs (and many people do), prepare yourself for an honest exchange of ideas!

intj females can be Perfectionists

One of the most typical traits of the INTJ woman is her perfectionism. She’s always looking for ways she can improve herself, from her appearance to her career. An INTJ female is always self-critical and will do whatever it takes to get ahead in any area of life.

Because they’re so critical, INTJ females also have a strong sense of fairness and justice. They’re very aware when things are unfair or unjust, which means they may feel compelled to speak up about these issues even if others disagree with them on principle (or make them feel uncomfortable).

intj females often have highly Original ideas

INTJ women are often original thinkers. They have a unique perspective on the world and enjoy coming up with new ideas, even if they fly in the face of tradition.

This is partly because they’re not afraid to think outside of the box when it comes to solving problems and coming up with solutions. INTJ women have a talent for turning things upside-down and looking at them from different angles, which helps them generate new ways of doing things or thinking about something in an unconventional manner.

intj females have Strong principles and values

Your strong principles and values are one of the things that set you apart from other types. You have a clear idea of how the world should work, and you’re not afraid to stand up for what you believe in.

INTJ women are independent, self-sufficient, and self-reliant. You don’t need anyone else to tell you what to do or how to think—you know who your friends are because they share your views about life, not because they give you advice or tell you what you should do with your life.

Because INTJ women tend not to seek out romantic relationships (unless by some miracle an ENTJ happens upon this article), it might seem like we don’t care about others’ opinions of us at all—but this isn’t true! We care very deeply about our loved ones’ opinions on important matters like politics or religion; however, when it comes down to whether or not someone likes our new haircut (or even decides if we’re allowed into their house), most INTJs aren’t bothered by these kinds of things unless they involve something truly serious like abuse or neglect towards children/pets/other living beings..

INTJ Female Careers

It’s true that every person has a unique combination of strengths and weaknesses. Not to mention, everyone has different goals in life! Because of this, there isn’t one perfect career for everyone. However, some types are more inclined to succeed at certain careers than others.

The type of work that INTJ women can excel in is as varied as their personalities. There’s no one path that every INTJ woman will take in her career—but here are some ideas to start with:

Research scientist: INTJ women are curious and analytical by nature. They’re also excellent problem solvers who enjoy working independently toward a goal or project outcome (as long as it’s well-defined). This makes them great candidates for research scientist positions where they’ll be able to focus on solving complex issues through scientific inquiry or experimentation.

Doctor: Like other medical professionals, doctors must be detail-oriented and have good communication skills. The methodical approach needed for medical school takes advantage of an INTJ woman’s love for organizing information systemically; she thrives when asked to think critically about potential solutions based on hard data from experiments or clinical trials conducted by others before her time someone else does it first!

Engineer: Engineers use math skills along with problem-solving abilities when designing new products or improving existing ones – two things which come naturally to many people with strong Type J personalities like yours! If you enjoy working with tangible results rather than theoretical concepts then consider becoming an engineer yourself someday soon; perhaps even before starting college? Start learning now so you can take advantage of those early years while they still matter most!”

Other great jobs for INTJ females are careers that allow them to work independently and creatively. INTJ women are also good at careers that require self-discipline, organization and long hours. Some of these careers include:

  • Accountant
  • Musician
  • Journalist/writer

INTJ women have a lot to offer.

INTJ women have a lot to offer. They are strong, independent and have the ability to be very successful in the workplace. INTJ women are great at problem solving and critical thinking. In addition, they are good at managing people and projects.

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